Meghan Grabow
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Topics: Entrepreneurship
Meet The Founders is a series of interviews with our Fall 2017 class founders. Each team is working to bring a product or service to the cannabis industry through the Canopy accelerator (and in some cases, are currently operating in the space), helping to alleviate the pain points in this growing industry. Want to know more about how to launch a cannabis business? Canopy's JumpStart Conference for Entrepreneurs & Startups is on October 19th in Denver, CO. This FREE half-day conference is packed with panels on brand trends, the regulatory environment, cultivation best practices, dispensary operations and more. Space is limited - register now!
Team: Virtugro
Topics: Entrepreneurship, cannabis companies, agtech

Topics: Company Info, Entrepreneurship
Topics: Company Info
Topics: Entrepreneurship
With the cannabis industry's exponential growth and spreading legalization (particularly in a Trump administration) comes increased media attention. We've collected a roundup of the news and articles featuring Canopy and its portfolio companies on channels such as Forbes, Civilized, Bezinga, WIRED, CNBC and more.
Topics: Company Info